[Picture][PJO/HoO] A Message From the Stars Above

I was bored. 

It was a class that our teacher was absent, and we were allowed to do anything, excluded going out of the classroom. Bad mistake, teacher, because after you were gone about five seconds, that bunch of children in a tiny room became chaotic. Now come to think of it, I really have to pat myself for concentrating on that tiny seed of idea which popped up in my head at an ungodly moment, when everything was a horrendous mess.

Then I drew this. 

(I swear, if my classmates tried to interrupt me once more at that point I would stand up and bite their heads off at lightspeed.)

PJO has once been my top favorite fantasy novels, and now it still is. No matter how much I read, I will never ever ever be bored. 

Babling enough.

This artwork totally worths a good forty-five-minute class to draw, and I have no regret, even if someday my mother tells me that I would have a higher Mathematics result if I studied for the upcame examination instead of drawing. 

<caption inside>

<if you can read my handwriting lol>

Artist: Leslie Chaser

I own absolutely nothing but this artwork.